About us
The Atlas of Invisible Borders is an initiative of the European Alliance of Academies, a transnational network of art academies and cultural institutions advocating for the freedom of artistic expression, a pivotal element for social cohesion in Europe.
At the core of this project is the collaborative effort of the Círculo de Bellas Artes – Casa Europa, and many Alliance members to create a virtual space to expose and raise awareness about the invisible borders that continue to divide Europe.
The website displays the results of our first Call for Contributions within the Alliance community. Twenty-three videos featuring artists, cultural professionals, and intellectuals who are either members of the Alliance or proposed by them, explore the theme of invisible borders through a variety of expressions, from artistic interventions to conceptual reflections.
As we grow, we invite you to explore the diversity of creativity and discussion with us. Keep an eye out for regular updates as we add new content to our platform.